About us
Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church! We are a community of believers located in Palmer, Alaska at 10355 E Palmer-Wasilla Hwy in suite #204. Our mission is to spread the love of Jesus Christ online, and we believe in creating a welcoming environment for everyone regardless of their background or beliefs. Our team is made up of passionate individuals who are committed to serving our congregation and helping them grow in their faith. We offer a variety of services including online worship services, bible studies, and youth programs. Our pastors and staff members are always available to provide support and guidance whenever you need it. We hope you'll join us on this journey of faith and become a part of our Trinity Lutheran Church family.
our pastors:

John Doe
Lead Pastor johndoe@trinitylutheranak.com

Jane Smith
Director of Women's Ministry janesmith@trinitylutheranak.com

Mark Johnson
Lead Pastor markjohnson@trinitylutheranak.com

David Lee
Family Pastor davidlee@trinitylutheranak.com

Sarah Brown
Youth Director sarahbrown@trinitylutheranak.com

Emily Davis
Worship Arts Pastor emilydavis@trinitylutheranak.com